We pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions to meet our clients' business requirements.
We maintain successful, long-term client relationships through professional support and cost effectiveness.
NIMPIS is a central repository of marine pest information to assist Australian decision makers in the event of an incursion/outbreak. read more...
Headstart Financial Services required an inviting, easily readable and simple to understand site. read more...
MOH collects data from midwives in order to monitor patterns of pregnancy care, services and pregnancy outcomes. read more...
WCTS is a real time waste collection and tracking system that tracks garbage collection as it is being collected by the garbage truck and a real time monitoring and reporting system. read more...
So many different ways to see the world. Christina can help you with all of them. read more...
We undertook a study on how best to visualise environmental data with maps, charts and tables. read more...
IMI specialise in the deployment of hardware and required a solution to track and report on items processed during the hardware deployment. read more...
A Spatial client required a line of business application to be built in SharePoint. We developed a prototype in SharePoint 2010. read more...
Newmont Australia had a large amount of valuable data that related to project generation and site specific tenement data. They realised at an early stage that this data would be best... read more...
SpatialDesign is a graphic design studio and required a content managed web site to showcase their portfolio. read more...
Events Hub is for NSW Government event organisers, agencies and event planners to share information coordinate services and deliver major events safely and successfully. read more...
Lexica provides legal back office solutions. It enables non legal firms to offer a legal service to their clients. read more...