Innovative solution providers...

We pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions to meet our clients' business requirements.

We maintain successful, long-term client relationships through professional support and cost effectiveness.

Case Study / FaPI

The Sydney Opera House required a system to monitor the condition and presentation of the House by collecting and processing data against... read more...

Case Study / NIMPIS

NIMPIS is a central repository of marine pest information to assist Australian decision makers in the event of an incursion/outbreak. read more...

Case Study / TSD

The Telehealth Service Directory allows you to find a Telehealth Service Location read more...

Case Study / Visualisation

We undertook a study on how best to visualise environmental data with maps, charts and tables. read more...

Case Study / Fire Trail Maps

The Rural Fire Service required cartographic quality maps of fire trails to be used by its outdoor staff and volunteers. read more...

Case Study / SharePoint

A Spatial client required a line of business application to be built in SharePoint. We developed a prototype in SharePoint 2010. read more...

Case Study / NSW KF Online

Child and Family Health required an online training package developed for the HETI LMS read more...

Case Study / Alfred Imaging

Alfred Imaging’s vision is to provide imaging excellence through a patient-focused approach to diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology. read more...

Case Study / x130e

IMI specialise in the deployment of hardware and required a solution to track and report on items processed during the hardware deployment. read more...

Case Study / PMS

The PMS records, manages and reports on information about properties within the areas administered by the MSB. read more...

Case Study / CSS

The SCA required an integrated information system to support staff and management in the performance of the SCA's compliance program. read more...

Case Study / PSD

The SCA required a system that could record information on potential pollution sources (both point and diffuse) in the Sydney water supply catchment area. read more...