Spatial Intelligence:
 My Creature Age

Live tile


Edit creature

project name

Spatial Intelligence - My Creature Age

the aim

My Creature Age is a fun way to see how old you are in a number of creature years and to keep track of your creature birthdays. It is a Windows Phone 8 application targeting teenage users.

Users can:
  • Set up their date of birth
  • Choose from a number of predefined creatures
  • Add their own creatures by name and by defining how many creature years there are in a calendar year
  • Set favourite creatures
  • Get notifications when a creature has a birthday
  • Update the live tile with creature age information

The app can be downloaded from the app store here.

the solution

The Windows Phone 8 application is based on the following technologies:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
  • MVVM


more details

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