project name
NSW Ministry of Health - Policies and Claims Information System.
the aim
To deliver a system that would allow the Ministry of Health (MOH) to collect and report on information about the State of New South Wales Medical Indemnity Insurance Policies and Claims.
the solution
A solution, the Policies and Claims Information System (PACIS), was developed based on the following components:
- Microsoft Windows
- Microsoft .Net
- ASP.Net
- Windows Communication Foundation
- SQL Server
- SQL Server Reporting Services
The solution has two main user interfaces:
A web site that:
- Allows medical indemnity insures to submit their policy and claim information
- Implements complex data validation rules
- Provides in depth feedback on submitted data
A Windows application that:
- Allows the submitted policy and claim information to be inspected
- Provides a significant number of complex reports
- Exports data in various formats for upstream reporting
more details
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