We pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions to meet our clients' business requirements.
We maintain successful, long-term client relationships through professional support and cost effectiveness.
Newmont Australia had a large amount of valuable data that related to project generation and site specific tenement data. They realised at an early stage that this data would be best... read more...
The SCA required a system that could record information on potential pollution sources (both point and diffuse) in the Sydney water supply catchment area. read more...
Child and Family Health required an online training package developed for the HETI LMS read more...
The Ministry of Health required a system to collect and report on information about the State of New South Wales Medical Indemnity Insurance Policies and Claims. read more...
SCA required a system to manage the assessment of development applications within the Sydney water catchment and automate assessment... read more...
The MSB realised that it needed to replace its existing Information Management System (IMS) with a more modern, reliable and efficient system... read more...
The SCA required an integrated information system to support staff and management in the performance of the SCA's compliance program. read more...
The Sydney Opera House required a system to monitor the condition and presentation of the House by collecting and processing data against... read more...
The Government Entities Database (GED) is a database of NSW Government Entities. read more...
Brooke Aitken Design is an architecture and interior design firm who needed a very visual site to show case their work read more...
My Creature Age is a fun way to see how old you are in a number of creature years and to keep track of your creature birthdays. read more...
IMI specialise in the deployment of hardware and required a solution to track and report on items processed during the hardware deployment. read more...